Thursday 26 October 2017

I hope you become fearless and go after what you want!

I hope you remember who you were
before your heartbreak
and your pain
and all the mess inside your heart.

I hope you remember the days you believed —
the days nothing stopped you from trying,
when you weren’t afraid of taking any risks
and you weren’t afraid of falling.

I hope you remember how fearless you were
and how you looked fear in the eye,
when you never looked away
and never let self-doubt win.

I hope you clearly see the difference
and how you give up too easily now.
You don’t even try anymore.
You don’t go after what you want.

You just sit there and watch life pass you by.
Lost between making things happen
or just letting them be —
waiting for a sign to help you move.

I hope you remember the times you dared.
The times you didn’t wait for a sign.
The times you jumped in with both feet.
The times you felt alive.

I hope you find your old self again
because I know you’re not happy
and I know you miss who you used to be
and you don’t even recognize who you are anymore.

I hope you find your happiness again.
I hope pain doesn’t change you forever.
I hope you know that everything is temporary
and you can become whole again.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

The worst advice she received from him when he broke her heart – “Try to move on…”

The fact is that she loved him truly. She can’t fall out of that love so easily like him, like the way he changed all his feelings toward her in a snap. Instantly backpedaled and ended up everything they have been sharing with each other in just one day…

She knew things went quite bad from his side. Something that made him evasive, something that’s added up more responsibilities and something that made him depressed. She wishes she could do everything to get down the pain, to get him back to the real HE. And in this she can’t totally blame him because the situations weren’t under his control. But what she wants to say him is “In spite of your fears of giving me more pain in the future you thought it’s better to end it now; I would want you to believe in me, be an optimistic and work it out together SENSIBLY rather than ending abruptly.” Because all she believes in is – “walking with him in the dark is at least better than walking alone in the light.”

The very next moment when she faced the dark truth - when he said he will bear all the pain alone and asks her to move on; the only thing she experienced was – finding it hard to breathe, digesting the fact that the one who could never let her walk alone is actually walking away with a fear of giving her more pain in the future, breaking all the promises he made (the less he knows is, he is actually giving her the worst pain she could have never thought of, and she can never ever come out of it).

Despite the dark side of this, she misses him so much. She misses his texts. She misses the way he tries to hold her hand at every chance he gets, those witty conversations, those lazy times, and that unique feeling of his which always makes her feel that he’s with her in everything she does.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Yes, That’s A Fact, A Happy Relationship Builds Slow

So ever wondered, how some people are able to lasts their relationship forever? Having the same passion for each other, the same level of interest and the steady attraction they have carried towards other since the day they got into a relation to till date? Well, if you still think that’s absolutely impossible, then let me tell you that you haven’t started it the right way or at least you didn’t met the right people who showed it’s possible. A healthy relationship begins with mutual interest and admiration for each other that only grows up over time. If you’re anything seeking to be blessed to have a lasting relationship, then this article is for you.

Go Slow
Create an environment that lets you grow both interest and attraction towards other steadily over time, rather than pouring you a big chunk of emotional storm all at once. Because it’s highly impossible to remain unsteady when it comes to relationship, because you know, we humans are blessed to carry emotions, especially women are naturally more emotional :P

Check compatibility
I am not asking you to do the groundwork on compatibility, figure out shared goals and interests, but some common interests, hobbies - in a long run they matter a lot, I meant it. Because these are things that simply can’t be compromised. So it’s a wise to figure out if you are fundamentally comfortable with him or her. And I must say the best and ideal way to do this is - No HURRY. Go slow.

Give some space
So you decided to spend all your time with him/her in a day, I bet you risk ignoring very significant things about who you love and whether or not your relationship is the one that’s built to last. So here’s the reason - people who feel strong for the other doesn’t always mean they are the one who’s going to stay together lifetime.

Chuck out OCD
So you met him/her, backdrop you felt he or she is THE ONE! Now you want to spend every moment in a day with them. Text throughout the day, if not talk on phone for hours and you just feel like you can never get enough of this. I am telling you this a trait of OCD - I mean Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! And the reason that I say it’s not healthy because this might become problematic. On a long run, you might just end up relying too much on the other and you find it hard to be happy without this relationship. And soon or later, if you realize the person you thought the one is no more right for you, you will simply enter into deep depression. It requires many moons to come out of the situation.

#rightwaytostart #patientlove #longlastinglove

Monday 16 November 2015

They knew that it was the time to end-up their relationship, but they didn't think to end this way!

Neither of them were happy - that much was for sure.

Her eyes were puffy, face was blanched from crying the last night. They had been arguing over on random things. It was totally a bizarre that sort of things they argue on, a phase that’s followed by a never-ending groans. Just about when things seemed to be calm down, the atmosphere would fire up again, as though they have no option but to fight on every thing that seems to be super minute. Their relationship is filled with unbroken complaints on each other, over and over again, leaving no room for happiness, satisfaction, relief and of course the vague term called - LOVE!

It all started when the guy was uncertain about whether she loves him or not. Sure, he has to, because, their relationship wasn’t the one that kicked-off from the friendship. It’s somewhere close to strangership and miles away from the friendship. But then because somebody named that relation as love, they continued to be called the way.

However, as the days pass it’s not fair at all to seem him being humiliated by her. Although there is a bit of laughter, cheeriness and endearment between each other, there’s this thought running backdrop of their minds - they are getting treated unfairly by the other. Withal, both worked hard to keep up their relationship. They had a long-run ideation to take this to the next level called marriage, with a little hope for betterment of their amity - but that didn’t happen.

Well, she did her best despite the rebellious conversation they had the previous day. She waited for him down the street, hoping to bring back that joy and tenderness. But as the calm before the storm she had him saying something at that moment that she never wanted to hear. Not that she wanted to part from him because now that she got a reason to break, but this is something that broke her heart into pieces. She developed an extreme dislike in herself for the love she had created for him - the intense love that she thought would never let him go. But this can’t be endured anymore.

And the day has come when they thought to end their relation. However their mindset towards waning this correlation was different. She wanted to do in a harmonious way while he didn’t want to toe the line. He got so damn cranky, sounds angry because he could smell that if she is gone now she’s never going to come back again.

#tragicending #sadlovestory #insanemisunderstanding #heartbrokenstory

Thursday 1 October 2015

You Chose To Fight But I Chose To Spite..

I know no relation in this universe survives without its fair share of battles. Even the sweetest one that we see around. It's a fact that a relation with only love and no hate thing is seriously impossible. Maybe that's because when two persons share some common space, decide to be a part of each other's life and happen to treat individual life as theirs, arising conflict between them is quite a natural thing. But real problem solver comes here -- how you tackle fights is crucial.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Perseverance Is The Key To Success!

It's buzzing, buzzing again, now ringing with an increase melody. What's it? I couldn't widen my eyes, neither pick the phone up and snooze my alarm because I knew my body is not liaising with the kinesics given by my brain. Well, after 5-min, this time I have tried hard to open my eyes and take the phone into my hand to snooze it up. Okay, I rarely snooze my alarm. Not that I am punctual or well-plan my day or I am not someone who looks everything to be perfect and to be done on-time in my life. But why did I set my alarm clock at 4 a.m?

I am on a work night, had a cup of Bru coffee.. Err, did I tell you before that I rarely drink coffee, at times when I feel cynic? So I'm depressed, probably despondent right now. Not sure if usually write a blog post when I am extremely happy or after a bizarre pallor - today I pushed myself to pen down something. Oh, maybe I am totally enlivening myself and feeling energized to come back to my neglected blog.

I've been up reading the basics of HTML since 12 for a self-test that I would like to see where I am, right down from basics to HTML CSS and blocks. Well, it's exhausting and grueling as well. And at the same time, it's the time like this when I have conjectured about the decision I made after a thorough thought. Now I am wondering if I had made one of the biggest mistakes of my life.. No, no I think I did not. Career change is no wrong to do. I believe that I have an extreme tendency to surprise myself with constant change in decisions. However, it's not that I am not determined or not ambitious; it's something that I want to give my best to the dreams that I dream at that moment. I am passionate about writing and equally passionate to proffer what my career demands -- which demands me to explore innate talent of mine - a profession that designs web elements and studies user experiences.

The lavishness of free time is foreign to me at this point of time. I haven't been able to flip my favorite recent magazines, books and read e-zines, which bothers me. I have had to pull some extra time from my free-time, post office hours to keep my dreams. I have had to cut down reading as well to persevere my dream.

I am very sure I can do this. I  can achieve this. But a bit of mine is a little skeptical about this. I keep asking this question again and again - how am I going to get my hands dirty, get both passion and dream onto one common platform? I don't know how I am going to excel and accept this life challenge, but all I believe in is -- Perseverance is the key to success. Though it seems to be fascinatingly brutal but I know that I will for sure enjoy this gift.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Nothing worse than admitting later.

It’s everything I tried,
I sulked.
Everything I tried to hide,
I know one day I’d confess.