Monday, 16 November 2015

They knew that it was the time to end-up their relationship, but they didn't think to end this way!

Neither of them were happy - that much was for sure.

Her eyes were puffy, face was blanched from crying the last night. They had been arguing over on random things. It was totally a bizarre that sort of things they argue on, a phase that’s followed by a never-ending groans. Just about when things seemed to be calm down, the atmosphere would fire up again, as though they have no option but to fight on every thing that seems to be super minute. Their relationship is filled with unbroken complaints on each other, over and over again, leaving no room for happiness, satisfaction, relief and of course the vague term called - LOVE!

It all started when the guy was uncertain about whether she loves him or not. Sure, he has to, because, their relationship wasn’t the one that kicked-off from the friendship. It’s somewhere close to strangership and miles away from the friendship. But then because somebody named that relation as love, they continued to be called the way.

However, as the days pass it’s not fair at all to seem him being humiliated by her. Although there is a bit of laughter, cheeriness and endearment between each other, there’s this thought running backdrop of their minds - they are getting treated unfairly by the other. Withal, both worked hard to keep up their relationship. They had a long-run ideation to take this to the next level called marriage, with a little hope for betterment of their amity - but that didn’t happen.

Well, she did her best despite the rebellious conversation they had the previous day. She waited for him down the street, hoping to bring back that joy and tenderness. But as the calm before the storm she had him saying something at that moment that she never wanted to hear. Not that she wanted to part from him because now that she got a reason to break, but this is something that broke her heart into pieces. She developed an extreme dislike in herself for the love she had created for him - the intense love that she thought would never let him go. But this can’t be endured anymore.

And the day has come when they thought to end their relation. However their mindset towards waning this correlation was different. She wanted to do in a harmonious way while he didn’t want to toe the line. He got so damn cranky, sounds angry because he could smell that if she is gone now she’s never going to come back again.

#tragicending #sadlovestory #insanemisunderstanding #heartbrokenstory


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